Cherished Friendship by: Lori Taetz




I saw you sitting there

Alone, beckoning, friendly

I walked over and sat beside you

As we got to know each other I was caught up

In your adventures


You made me smile when I was sad

You spoke words of kindness when I needed them

And helped me see another’s perspective

When I could only see my own


Through your words, I learned about the world

And the needs of others

And that in our differences we are really the same


You sat quietly and patiently


As your stories brought tears

That dampened your stark, white covering


And when I was too busy,

Or I needed time away for awhile

You stayed in my thoughts

And dreams

Ready to start where we left off

Or at the beginning

Or at the end and go backwards from there


My dear friend

Who else could make me laugh with only one sentence?

And cry with one thought?

And sing a new song from a single phrase?


Sometimes it’s hard to leave you

And refreshing to meet you again


I want to share you with the world

So they can also experience your wonders

And be changed forever.


My book

My cherished Friend

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